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Showing posts from February, 2018

How Artificial Intelligence impact our daily life

Dream of Artificial Intelligence From ages, we have heard stories of toothbrushes that can tell stories and microwaves that can automatically make food. Well, I haven’t lost my mind yet, because all these human imaginations have somehow taken the shape. As 20 years ago, we can’t imagine having a phone which can perform almost every task or have a wide world web named the internet. All this happened because of artificial intelligence. There are numerous artificial intelligence definitions available and every author has its own take on it. But, in the normal way, we can call AI a tool that surges calibers in machines to take actions like humans. Like, human babies from birth have few special ways to express his feelings whereas machine only works in a programmed manner. And, AI is that technology which can help machine in working as the human brain. Extent of AI in Today’s World Now, some might say AI is still a dream that will take we decades to map out in reality. But, ...