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Google Instant NO MORE

Google has planned to dropout Google instant, company's one of the best feature which showed instant results as you type the query 

Launched in 2010 under leadership of  Marissa Mayer , instant was mainly designed for desktop usage .

Now in recent times most of the searches are being made with the mobile Google instant is not in use as it used earlier and google has decided to drop the feature 

Google saidWe launched Google Instant back in 2010 with the goal to provide users with the information they need as quickly as possible, even as they typed their searches on desktop devices. Since then, many more of our searches happen on mobile, with very different input and interaction and screen constraints. With this in mind, we have decided to remove Google Instant, so we can focus on ways to make Search even faster and more fluid on all devices.

Now Google will only give suggestion based on the query and result ll be displayed after you click 
